Learn more about creating digital wireframes in Adobe XD
It’s an exciting time in the course because you are ready to create digital wireframes in Adobe XD for the first time! You just watched Dave demonstrate how to create a digital wireframe for the library website he’s working on. Now, it’s your turn to open Adobe XD and get to work on your own project. If you have questions about how to use Adobe XD, Adobe’s Getting Started in Adobe XD guide is a great place to start.
For inspiration, check out this collection of articles on the Adobe XD blog that’s all about wireframing inspiration and tips. Feel free to explore the collection and click into as many posts as you want. In particular, if you’d like some inspiration for your own designs, check out these wireframing examples for web and mobile.
And remember earlier in the course when you learned about layout grids, which included customizing the columns, gutters, and margins? Grids will be especially helpful when you design wireframes that are responsive across device screen sizes. This article about repeat grids in Adobe XD provides some guidance on working with repeat grids in responsive designs. Finally, this article from Google’s Material Design has information about creating responsive layouts using columns, grids, and gutters, too.
Sources: Google UX Design Professional Certificate
Coursera | Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD