Learn more about ethical design
As a UX designer, you have a responsibility to approach your work ethically and to keep the user’s best interest in mind. The products you design will be a part of the users’ lives, but they should not:
- Consume or control the user.
- Promote addictive behaviors.
- Promote unhealthy relationships between the user and a device or an app.
- Take advantage of the user.
Instead, the products you design should give users a choice about the actions they do want to take while using your product. Remember, apps should engage users, but apps should also be honest about their intentions and goals. To learn more about ethical design, here are a few resources to check out:
- Ethics in user experience design from Usability Geek
- The good, the bad, and the ugly in user experience design from User Experience Magazine
- 10 principles for ethical UX design from UX Collective
Sources: Google UX Design Professional Certificate
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